Sermons on “Inspiration”


Our Heavenly Mother is Mary

Father Jeremy Miller: As she gave birth to Christ, she gave birth to all of us in Christ.

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Christmas: God is not a perfectionist

Father Jeremy Miller: The Christmas story reveals that precisely when things are imperfect, God might be doing something incredible.

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Embracing the Holy Interruptions

Father Jeremy Miller: All the elements of the Christmas Story interrupted the routine and what these figures thought their life was going to look like. And yet because so many of them embraced that holy interruption, we have the great story of Christmas.

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Living in a Spirit of Deference to God

Father Jeremy Miller: Mary and John represent for us an incredible example to combat our own pride because their lives they saw their mission they saw was to lead other people to Jesus.

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The Full Experience of Advent

Father Jeremy Miller: Advent is about remembering the past in faith, looking forward to the future in hope, and living in the present moment in love.

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Sight without Vision

Father Jeremy Miller: There are certain things that we have to push aside if we want to have the kind of vision, the all encompassing, supernatural, spiritual vision with which Jesus sees the world.

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Speaking on St. Óscar Romero’s homily from 1979

Father Jeremy Miller: Romero is an incredible role model for us: for what it means to have authority, to be a leader and to follow Jesus.

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To Love like God

Father Jeremy Miller: If we don’t receive love from the people we do see, how are we ever going to be capable of receiving the love of God, whom we don’t see?

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Answering the call to be Prophets and Shepherds

Father Jeremy Miller: You are called to be the Eldads and the Medads in your own professions, in your own families, in your own studies, in your own work, to carry on the prophetic mission of Jesus.

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Recommitting to God

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s declare today and through this entire academic year, as for us and this parish and this campus, we will serve the Lord.

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