Sermons on “Inspiration”


Tapestry 2: Augustine of Hippo

Father Jeremy Miller: He is such an important figure in our intellectual tradition. What I’m more interested in though is his moral conversion, his spiritual conversion and the fact that it was a journey, it was a process.

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Tapestry 1: Mary of Magdala

Father Jeremy Miller: Mary Magdalene is an incredible figure and she deserves a proper eulogy. She was an incredibly faithful woman who followed Jesus.

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Spiritual Maturity

Father Jeremy Miller: Our spiritual growth and maturity is measured by how much the spirit of Christ is moving through us.

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Easter Vigil: From Darkness to Light

Father Jeremy Miller: It’s about progressive enlightenment, progressive illumination.

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Easter: We Belong Here

Father Jeremy Miller: However we got to the empty tomb this morning, we have a place there.

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Good Friday: Picking the right Barabbas

Father Jeremy Miller: We all come here this afternoon because we want to worship the right Barabbas, Jesus.

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Ash Wednesday: Procrastinating in our spiritual life

Father Philip Smith: We’re invited to overcome our tendency toward spiritual procrastination, reminded not to put off for later those things God’s inviting us to do.

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Woe to You

Fr. Alan Zobler O.S.F.S.: If you are so hung up on the things that don’t matter, the teachable moments are going to pass by you.

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Being Made to Thrive

Father Jeremy Miller: God wants to fill us spiritually to the brim, to the brink of capsizing, to the brink of overflowing, so that divine life that is overflowing in you will flow out and touch others.

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Epiphany: The Three Gifts in 2019

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s leave 2019 in a different way than we came.

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