Sermons on “Love”


Easter Vigil: From Darkness to Light

Father Jeremy Miller: It’s about progressive enlightenment, progressive illumination.

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Holy Thursday: It’s all about your feet

Father Jeremy Miller: This night is about giving God both: the feet as an expression of our self-reliance and pride, our willingness to do our own thing, and the feet as an expression of our vulnerability.

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God’s Parental Love

Father Jeremy Miller: God loves us precisely where we’re at, but he loves us too much to let us stay there.

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From Me, to We, to Unity

Deacon Justin Moor: In our own lives this week, we each have ways that are uniquely our own in how we can exercise our spiritual parenthood to help one of God’s sons and daughters.

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The Sting of Death

Father Philip Smith shares three lessons on how we face death as Christian people.

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Love your Enemies

Father Jeremy Miller: To love your enemies means to want the best for the one who’s hurt you.

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The Power of Love

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s make sure there’s plenty of love to go around.

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Being Made to Thrive

Father Jeremy Miller: God wants to fill us spiritually to the brim, to the brink of capsizing, to the brink of overflowing, so that divine life that is overflowing in you will flow out and touch others.

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Epiphany: The Three Gifts in 2019

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s leave 2019 in a different way than we came.

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Our Heavenly Mother is Mary

Father Jeremy Miller: As she gave birth to Christ, she gave birth to all of us in Christ.

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