Sermons on “Love”


Christmas: God is not a perfectionist

Father Jeremy Miller: The Christmas story reveals that precisely when things are imperfect, God might be doing something incredible.

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The Full Experience of Advent

Father Jeremy Miller: Advent is about remembering the past in faith, looking forward to the future in hope, and living in the present moment in love.

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Get busy living

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s remember Andy Dufresne’s counsel to Red in “The Shawshank Redemption”: “Get busy living or get busy dying.” We might phrase it, “Get busy living or get busy worrying about the end of the world.”

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Fr. Zak: Everything in moderation?

Father Daniel J. Zak: A remarkable, surprising truth is that when it comes to the things of God, when it comes to holy things, we can give and give and give and we will always have a little more to give. Only God, thankfully, is the one of profound abundance.

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Love people you disagree with

Father Philip Smith: We have a vocation as Christians to love. That’s our fundamental, primary mission as Christians to be people of love.

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To Love like God

Father Jeremy Miller: If we don’t receive love from the people we do see, how are we ever going to be capable of receiving the love of God, whom we don’t see?

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Getting back to “very good” with God

Deacon Justin Moor: By being fertile soil, we can receive the small mustard seed of Jesus into our lives like a child receives a gift from the father.

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Pentecost: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Deacon Justin Moor: I think it is safe to say we could all use more Holy Spirit in our lives.

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Ascension: Lift up your Hearts

Father Jeremy Miller: As a metaphor, the Ascension is a wonderful way to see our mission as Christians – that we are called to be lifted up by God and therefore to rise above the things that trouble us and to bring others up with us.

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The Command to Love

Monsignor Michael Billian: The Mercy of God wipes out our past selfishness and leads us to respond to the Lord’s command to love others as he has loved us.

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