Sermons on “Love”


Relationship Over Rules

Deacon Justin Moor: When the relationship comes first, then the rules can be understood within the proper context of helping us stay in right relationship with one another.

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Welcoming with Open Arms

Father Jeremy Miller: I’ve always thought that these two glass peaks look like arms reaching out across Dorr Street to campus, embracing the students, the faculty, the staff, anyone that comes into this building, with the arms of God and the arms of this community of faith who embraces them.

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Tapestry 12: Oscar Romero

Father Jeremy Miller: Romero said we cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something, and to do it very well.

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Tapestry 11: Elizabeth Ann Seton

Father Jeremy Miller: We have this incredible saint in our midst, the first native born American to ever be canonized.

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Tapestry 8: Kateri Tekakwitha

Father Jeremy Miller: She is someone who teaches us a lot in terms of living our faith in a community that doesn’t always accept it, how to deal with suffering and all sorts of incredible lessons.

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Putting Happiness On Hold

Deacon Justin Moor: When Jesus calls, do not place the call on hold. The perfect time to respond to Jesus’ call to follow him is now.

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Tapestry 6: Thomas Aquinas

Father Jeremy Miller: He’s known as a philosopher-theologian principally, but I think the primary way to see St. Thomas Aquinas is as someone who was obsessed with friendship with God.

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Tapestry 5: Catherine of Siena

Father Jeremy Miller: This is a woman who set the world on fire.

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Tapestry 2: Augustine of Hippo

Father Jeremy Miller: He is such an important figure in our intellectual tradition. What I’m more interested in though is his moral conversion, his spiritual conversion and the fact that it was a journey, it was a process.

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Tapestry 1: Mary of Magdala

Father Jeremy Miller: Mary Magdalene is an incredible figure and she deserves a proper eulogy. She was an incredibly faithful woman who followed Jesus.

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