Sermons on “Service”


Corpus Christi: Stabilizing our spiritual core

Father Jeremy Miller: I wanted to reflect today on what this feast and the gift of the Eucharist teaches us about the core of God, his heart, and how his heart speaks to our heart on this feast.

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The temptation to bypass Good Friday

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s rest on this day, let’s not sprint to Easter Sunday. Maybe that’s a little easier this year because of what we’re all going through.

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Holy Thursday: The effects of the Eucharist

Father Jeremy Miller: This is an opportunity to draw our attention to what the Eucharist is meant to do within us.

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God’s Well Never Runs Dry

Father Jeremy Miller: While the health of the body may seem fickle, the health of the soul is never in question as long as we’re drinking from the streams of life-giving water.

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Deacon Justin Moor: The expectations John the Baptist had for this long-awaited Messiah and Savior, are revealed in what John says in today’s Gospel reading when he sees Jesus coming toward him. John says, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.”

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Laborare est Orare (To work is to pray)

Father Jeremy Miller: Our labor should carry some spiritual significance. Our work has the potential to be spiritually enriching.

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What about Zacchaeus?

Father Jeremy Miller: We no longer have to climb a tree to see Jesus, he already climbed the tree of the cross to find us.

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All Saints: Intercessors of the Faith

Father Jeremy Miller: God deliberately chooses to make other people partners in his plan of salvation, an enhancement of his power.

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The Dangers of Perfectionism in our Spiritual Life

Father Philip Smith: Perfectionism is an obstacle to true growth and change in our life.

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The Greatest Poverty

Father Jeremy Miller: The opposite of poverty is not wealth. It’s community. The opposite of poverty is not affluence. It’s relationships.

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