Sermons on “Service”


Prioritizing the One

Father Jeremy Miller: God thinks about us as a parent who hates to see one child wander, not a part of the family.

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The True Nature of Humility

Father Jeremy Miller: I think it takes much more strength to be humble than to be proud.

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Welcoming with Open Arms

Father Jeremy Miller: I’ve always thought that these two glass peaks look like arms reaching out across Dorr Street to campus, embracing the students, the faculty, the staff, anyone that comes into this building, with the arms of God and the arms of this community of faith who embraces them.

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Tapestry 12: Oscar Romero

Father Jeremy Miller: Romero said we cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something, and to do it very well.

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Tapestry 11: Elizabeth Ann Seton

Father Jeremy Miller: We have this incredible saint in our midst, the first native born American to ever be canonized.

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The Modern Day Rich Fool

Deacon Justin Moor: We realize our true net worth when we allow Jesus to gaze into our eyes and lovingly say, “You are worth everything to me.”

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Tapestry 9: Mohandas Gandhi

Father Jeremy Miller: Gandhi teaches us that if we want to reform the world, we have to start with our own heart.

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Easter: We Belong Here

Father Jeremy Miller: However we got to the empty tomb this morning, we have a place there.

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Good Friday: Picking the right Barabbas

Father Jeremy Miller: We all come here this afternoon because we want to worship the right Barabbas, Jesus.

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Holy Thursday: It’s all about your feet

Father Jeremy Miller: This night is about giving God both: the feet as an expression of our self-reliance and pride, our willingness to do our own thing, and the feet as an expression of our vulnerability.

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