Sermons on “Service”


Are you a fan or a follower?

Father Jeremy Miller: “We can know a lot about God, but not know God. We can know a lot about Jesus, but not be in a deep, personal relationship with Jesus.”

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Our need for God and for others

Father Jeremy Miller: We can’t do this alone. We cannot reach our full potential as human beings without relationships.

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Living our vocations more honestly

Fr. Alan Zobler O.S.F.S.: Let’s make the world know just how much we’ve been loved and how much our God loves our world.

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Jesus as Lord, as king of all creation

Father Jeremy Miller: This feast is meant to remind us that our primary allegiance is to Jesus as Lord, as king of all creation and Lord of our hearts.

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All Saints: We become like Him

Father Jeremy Miller: The fundamental vocation of every single Christian person is to become holy like Jesus, to become a saint.

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RSVP to the party

Father Jeremy Miller: Are we going to decline the invitation that God wants for us?

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Bad Idea Jeans

Deacon Justin Moor: Instead of rejecting Jesus from our lives, we are meant to respond by making him the foundation of our lives around which everything else is built.

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Talk can be cheap

Father Jeremy Miller: Words can make us feel more virtuous than we actually are. Humility and integrity are the remedies.

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Finding who we are

Father Jeremy Miller: Jesus says if you want to have life, give it away. If you want to gain your life, give it away freely. And if you insist on keeping your life, you’re going to lose it.

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Don’t anticipate, participate

Father Jeremy Miller: “We can get so locked in to anticipating the future that we miss what God wants to do right here.”

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