Sermons on “Trust”


Desert Greening

Homily from the Third Sunday of Advent, December 11, 2022

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We Are Not In Complete Control

Homily from the weekend of October 16, 2022

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What faith is all about

Homily from Sunday, August 7, 2022

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The Burning Bush

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s give God the oxygen and the wood that he needs in order to set the flame of our hearts on fire.

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Riding a roller coaster of emotions

Father Jeremy Miller:Jesus calls us to ideals and makes demands of us that we’re not always ready to do. Let’s allow ourselves to ride an emotional roller coaster.

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Advent: The Wheel of our Fortune

Father Jeremy Miller: No matter where we’re at, we can always have the security and trust, joy and peace, as long as we keep Jesus in the center.

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Christ the King: Jesus in the room with us

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s seek to make Jesus the king of every corner of our lives.

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God’s Daily Portion for Us

Father Jeremy Miller: “Are we content with God’s daily provision for us?”

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The Problem of Evil

Father Jeremy Miller: We may never totally understand the mystery of human suffering in this life, but we know one thing for sure: God understands it as well. He is with us in the midst of our own suffering.

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The Master Gardener

Father Jeremy Miller: Things flourish more and grow better under God’s care as the master gardener rather than ours.

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