Sermons on “Trust”


The Sting of Death

Father Philip Smith shares three lessons on how we face death as Christian people.

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Going Deeper into our Faith

Father Philip Smith: Are we willing to allow Jesus to tell us how to do our job? Are we willing to allow Jesus to tell us how to live our life?

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The increase of “nones”

Deacon Justin Moor: What can we say to those who do not believe in God or question our Christian religious teachings?

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The Full Experience of Advent

Father Jeremy Miller: Advent is about remembering the past in faith, looking forward to the future in hope, and living in the present moment in love.

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All Saints: What it means to follow Jesus

Father Jeremy Miller: All of us are called to holiness. Holiness is not something reserved for the spiritual elite.

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The Path to Spiritual Transformation

Father Jeremy Miller: We have to continue on our the journey of liberation and spiritual transformation and freedom, knowing that our God and this Eucharistic bread from heaven is always with us, intimately involved in our lives.

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Jesus and Columbo

Father Jeremy Miller: I’ve always thought that Columbo’s approach has characteristics of incredible leadership and, in this context today will all of our readings, how to be a good shepherd.

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The Mystery of the Holy Trinity

Monsignor Michael Billian: We need to come to understand that our God loves us intensely and he wants to invite us into the intimacy of a beautiful relationship modeled after this mystery.

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How do we know God?

Father Jeremy Miller: Even though we don’t physically touch him like those apostles in that upper room, we can know God.

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Finding and Accepting God’s Mercy

Monsignor Michael Billian: To accept mercy requires trust, which is why it’s so hard to forgive by human powers.

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